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Missing Murdered Native Women, Are We Paying Attention?

Murdered Native Women

Every year, the National Crime Information Center places missing indigenous women on the list. It’s an alarming truth that these numbers are not only staggering, but they don’t seem to be increasing. This article explores that fact and puts it into perspective for readers.

Causes of Missing Native Women

One of the most pressing issues facing Native American women today is the disappearance and murder of aboriginal women. This problem has been going on for generations, but it has recently become a national conversation.

There are many causes of missing native women. Often these women are victims of violence and abuse, which can push them into poverty or homelessness. Some of these women may also be involved in drugs or prostitution, which can lead to their disappearance.

We must start talking about this issue and figure out ways to address it. We need to work together to find these women and bring those responsible to justice.

Why is this an Issue?

Missing Native Women are a serious issue in the United States. The vast majority of these cases involve Native American women, but the problem is not exclusive to them. Approximately 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and many of those incidents go unreported as well. Many factors contribute to the high rates of missing and murdered indigenous women, including historical trauma, systemic racism and sexism, and a lack of resources and a justice system that recognizes and responds to these issues.

Ways to Support Native Americans

There is a lot of discussion around the  missing indiginous women issue, but what can we do to support the tribes?

Here are ways you can support Native Americans and help bring attention to their plight:

  1. Educate yourself and others about the situation. There is a lot of information out there, but it’s important to be sure you’re getting accurate information. Make sure you understand why these women have gone missing and what the government is doing to try and solve the problem.
  2. Donate money or supplies. This can be anything from clothes and food to tools and medical supplies. Supporting Native Americans through monetary donations allows them to focus on solving the problem instead of worrying about fundraising efforts.
  3. Volunteer your time or donate your skills. Many organizations are working to solve the issue of missing native women, and they need help from volunteers who are passionate about this cause. If you have skills that could be useful, like writing or public speaking, consider lending them your expertise.
  4. Spread awareness through social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and other online platforms offer an easy way to reach a large audience with your message about missing natives.

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