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How to–Recover from a C-section at home?


Recovery from a c-section typically takes six weeks, but it will also depend on your particular circumstances. If you had any problems during or after your c-section or if you are taking care of other children at home, you could feel like you need more time to heal.

You can speed up your recovery from your c-section by engaging in gentle exercise, like walking. However, hold off on doing anything more strenuous until you are pain-free and feel ready.

Recovery after C-Section!

1. Regular Medical checkups

For the first few weeks, your midwife and health visitor will call to check on you and your newborn at home. After that, you can visit your health visitor at a nearby clinic to get your baby weighed or to discuss any issues you are having.

Six to eight weeks following your c-section, you must schedule a post-natal check with your doctor. This is to see how your healing is going.

2. Take measures for the wound

If you still have a bandage on your wound, your midwife will visit you at home to examine it. Unless you have dissolvable stitches, they will also remove the staples or stitches after 5-7 days. Although it doesn’t harm, you might find this uncomfortable.

After removing the dressing, gently clean and dry the wound each day. Wearing loose clothing and cotton high-waisted pants may be more comfortable for you.

In the event that you exhibit any infection-related symptoms, such as, you feel generally ill, an upset stomach, a high temperature, or a red, swollen, painful, or discharged wound.

3. Pain relief

For a few weeks, your wound will feel bruised and uncomfortable. At least 7 to 10 days after you have undergone the surgery will be the time you will need to take pain killers.

You can get information on available painkillers from your midwife or doctor. If you take your medications as directed, little amounts of any medication you take may transfer into your breastmilk but are unlikely to damage your baby. If you are nursing your baby, avoid using codeine or co-codamol (which contains codeine).

Be sure to consult your doctor, midwife, or pharmacist before beginning any new medication. You can be given paracetamol or other medicines by your midwife to take at home.

4. Move mindfully

While you’re healing from your c-section, getting in and out of bed may be challenging or uncomfortable. You could try the following to make getting out of bed easier:

  • Swaying from side to side
  • You can sit down by putting both of your legs over the side of the bed and pushing yourself up from the side.
  • As best you can, try to stand up straight. To get back into bed, you can take the opposite action.

5. Drink Fluids

Your risk of a blood clot can be decreased by staying as active as you can and drinking plenty of fluids.

You might have received a blood-thinning medication from your midwife. They will teach you how to self-inject daily while you are in the hospital.

If you have any of the following blood clot symptoms, contact your doctor, midwife, or health visitor right soon.


Post-Surgical at Home Care is crucial to recover not physically, but emotionally too postpartum. Contact your doctor if you feel any difficulty or pain passing urine, swollen wound, or persistent vaginal bleeding or any other complications.

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